
Houdini ve Ruhçuluk – s01e04 – Gerisi Hikaye


Sihirbazlık, illüzyonistlik, Medyumlar ve Şüphecilik

Gerisi Hikaye’de bu hafta 20. yüzyılın ilk süperstarını konuştuk. Kaçış Ustası Harry Houdini’nin hayatı çerçevesinde spiritüelism/ruhçuluk akımının yükselişi ve Houdini’nin medyumlarla savaşını konuştuk. Bilimin yükselişi ve Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nın Avrupa’daki etkileri, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ile arkadaşlıkları, havacılık, korku edebiyatı ve sinemaya ilgisi ile efsanevi gösterileri ile karşınızda Harry Houdini.

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Gerisi Hikaye Bölüm 4 – Houdini ve Ruhçuluk

1. Kalush, William – Sloaman, Larry, The Secret Life of Houdini: The Making of America’s First Superhero, 2006
2. http://www.thegreatharryhoudini.com/
3. http://www.biography.com/people/harry-houdini-40056/videos/harry-houdini-straight-jacket-escapes-22724163738
4. Harry Houdini – Straight Jacket Escape http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r8qr-p9z5g
5. Harry Houdini Talks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D50yh3WV-OQ (Ladies and gentelmen, I take great pleasure introducing my latest invention, the water torture cell. Although there is nothing supernatural about it, I am willing to forfeit the sum of one thousand dollars to any one who can prove that it is possible to obtain air inside of the torture cell when I’m locked up in it, in the regulation manner, after it has been filled with water. Should anything go wrong when I’m locked up, one of my assistants watch through the curtain, ready to rush in, demolishing the glass allowing the water to flow out in order to save my life. Harry Houdini, october the 29th, nineteen hundred and fourteen, Flatbush, New York.)
6. Orange tree: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ht_afydffk
7. Last Seance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnmY0kX8U6s
Commentator:Mrs. Houdini the zero hour has passed, the ten years are up! Have you reached a decision?

Mrs. Houdini: Yes. Houdini did not come through. My last hope is gone. I do not believe that Houdini can come back to me or to anyone. After faithfully following through the ten year Houdini’s come back, using every type medium and seance, it is now my personal and positive belief that spirit communications in any form is impossible. I do not believe that ghosts or spirits exist. The Houdini Shrine has burned for ten years. I now reverently turn out the light. It is finished. Goodnight Harry…)